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 Convention 2016

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2 participants

Messages : 396
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2011
Age : 40
Localisation : La Rochelle

Convention 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Convention 2016   Convention 2016 EmptyLun 22 Fév - 8:37

A venir, globalement vous retrouverez une version améliorée de [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien].

Nous utilisons les FAQ GW : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Ensuite, votre serviteur s'est appuyé sur une compilation récente des FAQs sorties sur le FB de GW et s'est permis de l'épurer des contradictions manifestes et questions redondantes ou inutiles.

Enfin, vous trouverez dans ce même message les conventions de jeu utilisées dans le cadre du tournoi, elles ont été élaguéespar endroit du fait des récentes FAQs justement.


Conventions de Jeu DAKKA a écrit:

Conventions de Jeu Association DAKKA
(MàJ 09/06/2016)
Ce document est destiné à l'usage des joueurs lors de nos manifestations afin que les inévitables points noirs et autres imprécisions des règles ne soient pas sources d'inutiles et chronophages soucis lors des parties.

Le corpus de règles servant de référence à l’arbitrage du tournoi se compose, par ordre décroissant d’importance, des règles et codex dûment corrigés, des Questions & Réponses récentes et finalement de ces conventions.

Nous essayons tant que possible de nous rapprocher de l'esprit des règles plutôt que de nous accrocher à une lecture bête et méchante de ces dernières.

Merci de parcourir ce document dans son intégralité, des précisions importantes concernant la composition, certains pouvoirs psychiques et la gestion des décors selon le type de travée s'y trouvent.

Vos figurines doivent respecter le WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get, soit « ce que vous voyez est ce que vous avez »), les équipements mal ou non représentés ne seront pas joués et la liste d'armée sera modifiée à la défaveur du joueur.

Les conversions de figurines existantes sont acceptées (voir encouragées!), toutefois aucune figurine ne peut être convertie dans l'intention de gagner un avantage en terme de jeu et la dernière version du modèle officiel fera foi en toutes circonstances.

De la même façon vos figurines doivent rester identiques tout au long du tournoi, pas de modification avant ou pendant vos parties.

Vos figurines doivent être autant que possible soclées sur leurs supports d'origine, les dernières versions du modèle officiel faisant foi en toutes circonstances. Les socles au sein d'un même type d'unité doivent être homogènes, pas de tailles de socles différentes (28/32mm...) pas de mélange gélules et socles ronds...

Les figurines « volantes » (motojets...) et véhicules « antigrav » (Land Speeders...) doivent avoir respectivement des tiges de 20 et 30 mm minimum.

Les décors sont préalablement placés par les organisateurs au début de nos manifestations.
Il est toutefois inévitable qu'au cours du tournoi certains éléments soient déplacés par inadvertance ou maladresse. Vous êtes libres de vous entendre avec votre adversaire afin de les remettre en place de la manière la plus cohérente possible ou de demander à un organisateur de venir le faire.

Placement des figurines
Une figurine doit physiquement tenir dans les décors sans artifice et sans chevaucher le socle d'une autre figurine. Si vous ne pouvez placer une figurine selon ces principes c'est qu'elle ne peut être située à cet endroit.
Une tolérance est appliquée pour les figurines pouvant chuter et être ainsi abîmées du fait de maladresses.

Lignes de vue et couverts
Toutes les "zones de terrain" (CàD les zones de décors diffus disposant d'un socle)  offrent une sauvegarde de couvert de 5+, 4+ pour les ruines et autres zones rocheuses.

Si un tir traverse une zone de terrain (quel qu'il soit) et que la cible n'a pas son socle au moins partiellement dans la zone alors elle doit être dissimulée à au moins 25% pour revendiquer son couvert.

Toutes les fortifications disposées sur les tables sont considérées comme délabrées (BL12 et couvert 4+), les armes et équipements ne sont pas fonctionnels sauf si les contraire est spécifié.

Fortifications et éléments uniques.
Les éléments de terrain inclus dans les listes d'armées ne peuvent être placés dans un élément de décors classique.
Tous les éléments n'étant pas à proprement parlé des fortifications n'offrent qu'un couvert de 4+. (Skyshield, Générateur de Bouclier...)
Les armes achetées avec les fortifications (Quadritube...) sont traitées comme des armes d'appui pour ce qui est de leur mise en œuvre.

Postes de tirs
Il est impossible d'intercepter depuis un poste de tir. En effet, ces derniers ne peuvent être utilisés qu'en phase de tir et non de mouvement adverse.
De nombreuses fortifications disposent de postes de tirs, le nombre de figurines pouvant utiliser un même poste de tir est régulé ainsi :
Poste de tir d'une longueur inférieure à 2ps : 2 tireurs. (bastion impérial)
Poste de tir d'une longueur comprise entre 2 et 4 ps : 4 tireurs (bunker impérial)
Poste de tir d'une longueur supérieure à 4ps : 6 tireurs (redoute firestorm)

Règles optionnelles de travées:
Ces règles ont pour but "d'équilibrer" nos travées thématiques, vous êtes libre de les utiliser ou non.

Travée Glaciaire
Zones de Cristaux : Zones de Terrain Dangereux offrant une Sauvegarde de Couvert de 4+

Travée Jungle
Ruines Antiques : Zones offrant une Sauvegarde de Couvert de 4+ ainsi que la règle "Volonté d'Adamantium".

Rivières : Zones de Terrain Dangereux n'offrant une Sauvegarde de Couvert de 5+ qu'aux figurines d'infanterie uniquement. Les figurines s'y jetant à terre doivent passer un test de terrain dangereux immédiatement.

Travée Zone de Guerre
Esprit de la Machine : Les armes disposées sur le champ de bataille sont actives mais ne peuvent mises en œuvre qu'à CT2 maximum, elles nécessitent d'être utilisées en tir manuel et bénéficient des règles propres à leur type. (icarus, quadritube...)

Rivières : Zones de Terrain Dangereux n'offrant une Sauvegarde de Couvert de 5+ qu'aux figurines d'infanterie uniquement. Les figurines s'y jetant à terre doivent passer un test de terrain dangereux immédiatement.

Travée Urbaine
Conquérant mais pas trop : Le trait de Seigneur de Guerre "Conquérant des Cités" confère uniquement la règle mouvement à couvert (ruines) et non discrétion (ruines).

Certains éléments de W40K sont malheureusement d'un équilibre précaire et peuvent induire des parties à sens unique. Dans le but de favoriser un jeu dynamique sans avoir à interdire de nombreux choix, un système compensatoire est proposé aux participants.

Différence de composition :
Lors de la présentation des armées les deux joueurs comparent leurs notes de composition. Pour chaque point de différence, le joueur disposant de la meilleure note gagne 1 point de victoire.

De fait, si EvilBill le zoneil à 1/5 de composition rencontre Coolork le peau verte à 5/5 de composition. Coolork débutera la partie avec 4 PdV.

"Invoquer n'est pas Jouer"
Comme tout le monde le sait, invoquer des démons n'est pas sans conséquences. De fait lorsqu'un joueur parvient à invoquer via la démonologie il concède immédiatement à son adversaire des points de victoire selon les modalités suivantes :
Convocation : 1 PdV
Sacrifice & Incursion : 2 PdV
Possession : 3 PdV

"L'Invisibilité à un prix"
Être invisible c'est vraiment super génial mais rien n'est gratuit en ce monde :
Lorsqu'un joueur tente de manifester le pouvoir "Invisibilité" il concède automatiquement 1 PdV à son adversaire ou 2 s'il y parvient.

Chanceux mais pas Trop
A chaque fois qu'un joueur tente de manifester le pouvoir Chance ou Voile du Temps (Librarius) il concède 1 PdV à son adversaire.

Endurance (presque) Sans Failles
A chaque fois qu'un joueur manifeste le pouvoir Endurance il concède 1 PdV à son adversaire.

Glissement de Terrain
Chez Dakka on aime que nos décors soient bien traités :
Lorsqu'un joueur tente de manifester le pouvoir "IShifting Worldscape" il concède automatiquement 1 PdV à son adversaire ou 2 s'il y parvient.

"IMBA c'est plus fort que toi"
Certaines unités comme les Lords of War, Forge World ou même propres à certains codex sont d'un rapport efficacité/prix trop beau pour être honnête.
De fait, lorsqu'un joueur aligne un des ces éléments il concède immédiatement X PdV à son adversaire. X étant la valeur attribuée arbitrairement par les organisateurs à l'élément incriminé.

Pions Objectifs.
Les pions objectifs (ainsi que la relique) sont basés par défaut sur la forme terriblement normale d'un socle de 25 à 40mm.

Les pions comptent comme du terrain dégagé et les mesures sont prises à partir de leur socle dans toutes les dimensions.

Set et lancés de dés.
Afin d'ôter tout doute à nos valeureux participants, nous considérons qu'il est d'usage d'utiliser un seul set de dé (le votre ou celui de votre adversaire) lors d'une même partie.
Bien évidemment, vous êtes libres de jouer avec deux sets de dés différents si vous et votre adversaire êtes d'accord. Mais dès lors, pas de réclamation auprès du corps arbitral après la partie !

Autant que possible les dés doivent être lancés sur la surface de jeu (le « tapis ») ou dans une boite prévue à cet effet. Tout dé finissant sa course sur un élément de décors, de biais ou imbriqué au milieu de vos figurines (le pauvre...) doit être relancé.

Dernière édition par billou le Jeu 9 Juin - 12:46, édité 3 fois
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Messages : 396
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2011
Age : 40
Localisation : La Rochelle

Convention 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convention 2016   Convention 2016 EmptyJeu 9 Juin - 11:46

On commence par une version réduite du Draft Facebook sorti récemment par GW. J'ai essayé de trier ce qui était parfois contradictoire.

Draft FAQ GW (FB) a écrit:
Q: Does Perfect Timing affect witchfire psychic powers? >>> No.

Q: Can you take a ‘Look Out, Sir’ roll against successful focussed witchfire powers, especially ones that don’t have a normal shooting profile? >>Yes.

Q: Are witchfire psychic powers counted as Assault 1 if they have no profile (the Neurothrope’s Spirit Leech power, for example)?
A: No. If a witchfire power does not have a profile, follow the instructions written for that power instead (in the case of Spirit Leech, you simply pick the target unit which must then take a Leadership test on 3D6).

Q: Does the To Hit roll for certain witchfire powers that affect ‘targeted models’ care what the result of the To Hit roll is?
A: If a witchfire power does not have a profile, follow the instructions written for that power instead – this includes most focussed witchfire powers. If a witchfire power has a profile, the To Hit rolls matter in the same way as they do in any shooting attack.

Q: Can Psykers embarked in vehicles or buildings only cast witchfire powers? Does this include Psykers who are riders of a Chariot?
A: Psykers embarked in Transports/buildings can only cast WP. Psykers who are riders of Chariots can attempt to manifest any type of psychic power.

Q: Which has precedence between a Lance weapon and quantum shielding? Both rules modify what Armour ‘counts as’.
A: The effects cancel out and the normal Armour Values are used.

Q: Do weapon special rules that say ‘a model equipped with this weapon’ or ‘this weapon’s bearer’ take effect even when not used as the attacking weapon? Yes.

Q: For units with Twin-linked weapons with the Gets Hot special rule – if the first shot is missed, but not on a rolled 1, and a 1 is rolled for the second shot, does it suffer a Gets Hot wound? >>>Yes.

Q: Do plasma cannons and other Gets Hot Blast weapons benefit from rules that allow them to re-roll To Hit rolls of 1? For example, a Clan Raukaan character wearing the Tempered Helm nominates a unit of friendly Devastators to re-roll To Hit rolls of 1 in this Shooting phase.
A: No. The roll to see if a Gets Hot Blast weapon overheats is not a To Hit roll.


Q: Are models in a unit that destroyed a Walker in close combat allowed to Consolidate? A: No.

Q: Can a vehicle that has Jinked, or which has a suffered a Crew Shaken or Crew Stunned result, use Power of the Machine Spirit to fire 1 weapon at full Ballistic Skill? A: Yes.

Q: In a situation where there are 4 penetrating hits on a vehicle with 3 Hull Points, are they rolled one at a time or all at once?
A: It doesn’t matter if you roll them all at once or one at a time, as long as you roll them all! You must roll on the Vehicle Damage table even if the vehicle loses sufficient Hull Points to be Wrecked, as there is still a chance that it might get an Explodes! result.

Q: I have a question about pivoting and moving a vehicle. When is the distance that a vehicle can move measured – before it pivots for the first time or after it pivots for the first time? Some vehicles may be able to gain an extra inch or two by pivoting, then measuring, then moving.
A: If a model moves, no part of the model (or its base) can finish the move more than the model’s move distance away from where it started the Movement phase.

Q: Do Jump units ignore height distances when charging and using jump packs? If a Jump unit uses its jump pack for the Assault phase, does it jump over difficult terrain?  >>> A: No.

Q: Does a model with a jump pack or jet pack who leaves combat using the Hit & Run special rule do so using his jet/jump pack or moving as an Infantry unit?  A: They use their jump/jet pack.

Q: Does vertical movement count towards maximum movement distance on jump pack and jet pack moves? A: No.

Q: Can you clarify the wording around a rider shooting from a Chariot? As written, it appears to allow an Exalted Flamer to fire both weapons from a Burning Chariot while they can only fire one while on foot.
A: A rider can shoot ‘any ranged weapon’ (that is, any single weapon) they are equipped with – counting as stationary even if the Chariot moved in the previous Movement phase – alongside the Chariot’s weapons, though the Chariot and rider must target the same unit. In the specific example, the Burning Chariot itself has no weapons – the Daemonic Gifts are marked as belonging to the ‘Exalted Flamer only’ – and therefore the Exalted Flamer can use either the Blue Fire of Tzeentch or the Pink Fire of Tzeentch.

Q: Can a Jet Pack unit that has joined a different unit (e.g. a Necron Destroyer Lord joining Canoptek Wraiths) still use its jet pack move in the Assault phase? A: Yes, but the model cannot leave its unit and must stay in unit coherency.

Q: When it states that all models in the unit must use the same movement type, does that restrict Independent Characters with the Bike unit type joining Jump or Jetbike units, for example?
A: Sometimes a unit will contain models that move at different speeds. When this is the case, each model can move up to its maximum movement allowance so long as it remains in unit coherency.

Q: How does a unit consisting of a mix of Cavalry, Bike, Jump Pack and Infantry models move, Run, Turbo-boost and charge? Do they all use their respective rules while maintaining squad coherency?
A: Yes. Models move individually, so in the Movement phase each model in this improbable unit can move up to their maximum movement allowance so long as the unit is in unit coherency at the end of the move. If the unit elects to Run, no models in the unit may shoot. The unit doesn’t benefit from the Cavalry model’s Fleet rule, as that only applies if every model in the unit has the Fleet rule. If the unit Runs, the Bike may Turbo-boost, but must finish its move in unit coherency.
TRANSPORTSQ: If a vehicle with an invulnerable save (e.g. a Dark Eldar Venom through its Flickerfield) is hit by a Template weapon, do the models inside also benefit from it when resolving the No Escape rule? A: No.

Q: Can models embarked inside an exploding vehicle benefit from cover saves (e.g. the Realspace Raiders Detachment who have a 5+ cover save on the first turn and any turns with Night Fighting, or models with the Stealth and/or Shrouded special rules)?: No.

Q: I have a question regarding unit special rules that affect all or some units within a certain range of a model or unit. How do these interact with units inside Transports, and what happens if the unit with the rule is inside a Transport?
A: When a unit embarks on a vehicle it is taken off the battlefield and does not interact with anything on the battlefield. However, certain rules may create exceptions to this rule, with the most obvious examples being Fire Points and psychic powers and Transports. If a unit’s rules are meant to apply even when embarked on a Transport, they will specify this.

Q: It’s not clear whether or not a unit that has destroyed a Transport can then charge the now-disembarked troops. The rule says ‘if allowed’ – does that mean as long as they haven’t fired weapons stopping them from charging, or do they need to have a special rule to be allowed to charge?
A: The unit that destroyed the Transport vehicle can charge the now-disembarked passengers so long as, for example, it hasn’t fired any weapons that prevent it from charging, it hasn’t Gone to Ground, it is within 12", and so forth. A unit doesn’t need a special rule to allow it to do so.

Q: Do units disembarking from a Deep Striking Transport also count as entering play via Deep Strike? A: Yes.

Q: What happens to a unit if the Transport they are in moves over 6" and is Wrecked by your opponent in their turn?
A: If the unit passes their Pinning test, they can fire Overwatch if they are charged, so long as they were not forced to perform an emergency disembarkation. In their following turn they will act normally, though they will be unable to charge unless the vehicle transporting them had the Assault Vehicle rule. If they fail their Pinning test, the unit must Go to Ground.

Q: Do the weapon options for a Vengeance Weapon Battery count as emplaced gun emplacements or just emplaced guns?
A: They are emplaced weapons, and cannot be used as gun emplacements – another model may not fire them.

Q: The coverage range of the Void Shield Generators’ void shields is 12". If a unit is not entirely within the 12" range, does it still benefit from the Projected Void Shield special rule?A: No.

Q: Can Bikes, Super-heavy Walkers, Walkers, and Monstrous Creatures move and/or assault units on the higher levels of ruins?
A: Yes. For simplicity and ease of play, the core game rules allow most models to climb any piece of scenery. Use the ‘Wobbly Model Syndrome’ rule if it is not possible to place the model in the position it is meant to be occupying. If you wish, you may want to say that models are only allowed to move to places that they could reach ‘in real life’, but you will need to apply a certain amount of common sense and discretion in order to make such a rule work well.

Q: Can a unit on the battlements of a building be assaulted?
A: Yes, if the assaulting unit’s charge move is sufficient to reach it and there is room for at least one enemy unit on the battlements.

Q: If a vehicle model fully crosses over an Aegis Defence Line using its movement or Flat Out (as opposed to beginning or ending partially on it), does the vehicle still take a dangerous terrain test?: Yes.

Q: Do Gauss, Melta, Haywire, and Graviton special rules affect void shields? A: Yes. Graviton hits cause the field to collapse on a roll of 6.

Q: Do Flyers, Super-heavy vehicles, Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures and Gargantuan Creatures gain cover while standing on the ‘base’ of a terrain piece, e.g. ruins or dense thickets, or do they need to be at least 25% obscured by the scenery for cover to apply?
A: The 25% rule applies in all types of terrain if the target is a Flyer, Super-heavy Vehicle, Flying Monstrous Creature or Gargantuan Creature. All other targets count as being in cover if they are in or on the terrain’s base, even if not 25% obsured.

Q: When measuring special rules that use a radius whilst in a building, does the escape hatch count as part of the building?A: No.

Q: Can an opponent assault an escape hatch – the unit can’t assault out of one but can it be assaulted as a normal Access Point?A: No.

Q: Does a void shield intercept Psychic Shriek?A: No.

Q: If both players have models in base contact with a gun emplacement, which player controls it?A: They both do.

Q: A ruin (e.g. a Shrine of the Aquila) is treated as difficult terrain, but does this mean that models can move through the walls?A: No.

Q: What cover save do you get behind the petals of a Skyshield Landing Pad? A: None

Q: Can the petals of a Skyshield Landing Pad be opened in a Dawn of War deployment? A: Yes.

Q: Do all flamer weapons benefit from the Fuel Siphon special rule for the Promethium Relay Pipes? Some of them are a bit contentious.
A: All weapons that are specifically noted as being flamer weapons receive the benefit of the Promethium Pipes special rule.

Q: Does a model that benefits from a cover save benefit from a void shield as well? For example, does an infantry model sitting on top of the battlement of a Void Shield Generator benefit from the cover save before the void shield is stripped? A: No.

Q: How do you resolve a Tank Shock with a squadron (e.g. does it cause multiple Morale checks)?
A: Each vehicle carries out a Tank Shock individually.

Q: How does Tank Shock work when you stop on a unit? The rules state that the models ‘must be moved out of the way by the shortest distance’ – but what does this mean? The shortest distance that allows you to be in unit coherency? Or the shortest distance to just be out from under the vehicle, with models dying if not in unit coherency and at least 1" away from enemy units? What happens if a Gargantuan Creature or Monstrous Creature or any other non-vehicle unit gets Tank Shocked, but cannot move to another place in the shortest way? Are they destroyed or just moved further away?
A: Pick the unit up, and place it on the battlefield with all models as close as possible to the unit’s original location, with all models in unit coherency, and no models within 1" of an enemy unit. The intent of this rule is simply to deal with situations where two models end up occupying the same space – it is NOT meant to provide players with a way of destroying the unit that is being Tank Shocked.

Q: When determining the Strength of a vehicle’s Ram, are the Tank and Heavy bonuses cumulative?A: No.

Q: When vehicles Ram, they may only fire Snap Shots for that turn. There is no allowance that I can find for Super-heavy Tanks and Thunderblitz does not seem to affect this part of the Ram rule. According to the rules, then, If a Baneblade Rams (with a Thunderblitz roll) a Warbuggy, the Baneblade can only fire Snap Shots. Is this intended?A: Yes.

Q: What happens when you fail a Tank Shock or Ram when arriving from Reserve in such a way that the vehicle would end the movement partly off the battlefield?A: If following the Tank Shock or Ram you cannot place the vehicle entirely on the battlefield, it is destroyed.

Q: Can Super-heavy Walkers (e.g. Imperial Knights) disengage from combat?A: No.

Q: Do units embarked on a Super-heavy vehicle fire Snap Shots if it moves more than 6"?A: Yes.

Q: Can a Super-heavy Flyer that has a Hover mode Thunderblitz?A: No.

Q: Do you have to select all targets before any dice are rolled for the weapons mounted on a Super-heavy vehicle? If that is the case, are One Use Only/One Shot Only weapons used up if a previous weapon destroyed the target that the One Use Only/One Shot Only weapon was going to shoot?
A: Yes, to both questions.

Q: Can Super-heavy Walkers Thunderblitz?A: No.

Q: Are Super-heavy Walkers limited, like normal Walkers, to a 45° arc of fire from the facing of the model?A: No.

Q: Can Super-heavy Flyers Jink?A: No.

Q: Are cover saves allowed against Stomp attacks?A: No.

Q: Can ‘Look Out, Sir’ attempts be made against Stomp attacks?A: Yes.

Q: Can you Stomp an Invisible unit?A: Yes.

Q: When you make a Stomp attack in close combat and cause casualties outside of those in the combat, do the units outside of combat have to take Morale checks as if suffering 25% casualties, if they lose 25% or more?A: Yes.

Q: Can Stomp attacks affect units which are not locked in combat with the Stomping model?A: Yes.

Q: Can you attempt ‘Look Out, Sir’ for Wounds allocated outside of the Shooting and Assault phases?A: Yes.

Q: The ‘Look Out, Sir’ rule states that Wounds must be allocated to the closest model in the unit to the character. What if you have multiple models that are equidistant? Do you have to allocate all ‘Look Out, Sir’ hits to a particular model until it is removed, or can you shift the Wounds to other equidistant models (assuming, of course, that they have multiple Wounds)?
A: You must apply all Wounds to the same model until it is removed.

Q: If a Hit & Run roll would take me off the table, do I stop at the table edge? A: Yes.

Q: The Strikedown rule states that attacks with it cause the enemy unit to move as though through difficult terrain. Does this carry over onto a Super-heavy Walker’s guns? A: Strikedown only applies to the Super-heavy Walker’s Stomp attacks.

Q: The Vortex rule states that the marker for a Vortex weapon counts as impassable terrain. As such, must any miniatures that survive the hit and are still beneath the template move away?: Yes. If they cannot move away in their next Movement phase, then they are destroyed.

Q: How do special rules like Hatred, Preferred Enemy and Monster Hunter work when targeting a mixed unit that contains models your special rule effects as well as models it doesn’t?A: The rules mentioned are only used if all models in the target unit are of the appropriate type.

Q: What method is used to resolve potentially conflicting special rules (e.g. a Dark Talon’s Statis Bomb’s Vast Stasis Anomaly vs Reanimation Protocols)?A: The two rules cancel out and neither is used.

Q: When something states that it happens at the start of the game turn but both players have a rule that happens at the start of the game turn, how do you determine which rule is resolved first?A: The players should roll-off to determine whose rule applies first.

Q: Does having a bonus To Wound affect Rending?A: No, the automatic Wounds still only apply on the roll of a 6.

Q: Does a Hammer of Wrath attack always hit the front armour of a Walker? A: No, it hits the armour the attacker is facing.

Q: Does a shooting attack without the Rending special rule still count as Rending when the model firing has the Rending special rule?
A: No. If a model has the Rending special rule only their close combat attacks benefit from this rule, not their shooting attacks.

Q: Can a model with Skyfire and Interceptor shoot at targets that are not Flyers with its full Ballistic Skill when they deploy from Reserve (e.g. Drop Pods)? A: No.

Q: Can Interceptor weapons fire at a unit that disembarked from a Transport that arrived from Reserve?A: Yes.

Q: Do Skimmers arriving from Deep Strike automatically get moved if they scatter on top of an enemy unit?: No.

Q: Must the passengers of a Fast Skimmer fire Snap Shots if their Transport moved more than 6"?A: Yes.

Q: Does an Imperial Knight get to use its ion shield – or a Big Mek with kustom force field get an invulnerable save – against hits caused by a model that suffers an Explodes! result in the Shooting phase?: Yes.

Q: Warhammer 40,000: The Rules states that a model gets ‘the advantage of always using the best available save’. Does that mean we have to use the numerically lowest save, or do we have the option of using any save we have?
A: The controlling player can use their discretion as to which of their model’s saves is ‘the best’.

Q: If there are 2 Daemon Psykers who cast Cursed Earth and they are within 12" of each other, do they have a +2 bonus to their invulnerable save, since the spell says this is cumulative with any other bonus?A: No. Modifiers from identical psychic powers do not stack.

Q: Do non-psychic powers with an area of effect (‘aura’ powers like the Tau Ethereal’s Invocation of the Elements, or the effects of many Warlord Traits) extend from the hull of a Transport that the model with the power is embarked within?
A: No, non-psychic powers such as those described cannot be used by models embarked upon a Transport unless specifically noted otherwise.

Q: If a unit includes multiple Independent Character Psykers, can they cast the same power (e.g. Psychic Shriek) multiple times, once for each Independent Character?A: No.

Q: The Telekinesis psychic power Crush – when you roll for Strength and get an 11 or 12 it counts as an automatic wound or penetrating hit. For the purposes of Instant Death, what Strength does it count as?A: Strength 10.

Q: How does a power that targets ‘the Psyker’ but not his unit work on a unit with Brotherhood of Psykers? If, for example, a Wyrdvane Psyker squad casts Iron Arm, does one model nominated as ‘the caster’ receive the benefits? A: The power applies to all ‘Brotherhood of Psykers’ models,

Q: Is the maximum number of powers a Psyker can use in their turn equal to their Mastery Level, or the number of powers they have (due to Psychic Focus they often have one more power than their Mastery Level)?
A: Unless explicitly permitted to do so, Psykers may not attempt to manifest more psychic powers than the number of their Mastery Level within a single Psychic phase.

Q: If you play Daemons and you successfully summon a Bloodthirster using the Daemonology psychic powers, what profile will the Bloodthirster have: the one in Codex: Chaos Daemons, or one of the ones in Codex: Khorne Daemonkin?
A:You can choose to use any of the army list entries from Codex: Chaos Daemons, Codex: Khorne Daemonkin or War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen – but not Skarbrand!

Q: Do the effects of multiple castings of the same malediction cast on the same turn stack? For example, can additional castings of Banishment continue to reduce a Daemon’s invulnerable save?
A: No. As with blessings, the penalty from any particular malediction can only affect a unit once per turn.

Q: Do units that move 12" with the psychic power Levitation shoot using their full Ballistic Skill or can they only fire Snap Shots?
A: They shoot as though they had moved in the preceding Movement phase.

Q: If the Veil of Darkness is used while with a group of warriors and you go into Ongoing Reserves due to a Deep Strike Mishap, can you come in by Deep Striking?A: Only if all of the models involved have the Deep Strike rule.

Q: How many shooting attacks can I do when firing Overwatch?A: As many as the model can fire in the Shooting phase.

Q: Are units that are Falling Back allowed to Overwatch if a charge is declared against them?A: No.

Q: Does a flamer firing Overwatch have a range?A: No.

Q: Do abilities that allow a model to fire an extra weapon in the Shooting phase allow them to fire an extra weapon in Overwatch or while intercepting (e.g. Monstrous Creatures and Tau multi-trackers)?A: Yes. In the case of Interceptor, only weapons with the Interceptor rule can be fired.

Q: Can a Fast vehicle fire Ordnance weapons at Cruising Speed?
A: A Fast vehicle that fires an Ordnance weapon can only make Snap Shots with its other weapons that turn, but can fire a single Ordnance weapon at its full Ballistic Skill, even at Cruising Speed.

Q: If you fire an Ordnance weapon from a Stationary vehicle, are all other shots Snap Shots? What about when moving? How is this altered if the vehicle is a Heavy Tank (e.g. a Leman Russ Demolisher with plasma cannon sponsons), or Fast, or a Flyer (e.g. when firing hellstrike missiles, does firing the first missile mean that the second is fired as a Snap Shot)?
A: A vehicle that fires an Ordnance weapon can only make Snap Shots with its other weapons that turn (whether Stationary or moving). A vehicle being Heavy has no effect on firing Ordnance weapons. A Fast vehicle that fires an Ordnance weapon can only make Snap Shots with its other weapons that turn, but can fire a single Ordnance weapon at its full Ballistic Skill even at Cruising Speed. A Flyer firing two hellstrike missiles in a turn fires both at the same time, as described in the ‘Select a Weapon’ step of the Shooting phase. Both missiles would be fired at the Flyer’s full Ballistic Skill – all other weapons could only make Snap Shots that turn.

Q: For the purposes of Heavy, Ordnance, and Salvo weapons, does the Slow and Purposeful special rule allow units embarked on a Transport to fire as if they remained Stationary if the vehicle moves at Cruising Speed but not Flat Out?
A: No. Units embarked on a Transport that moved at Combat Speed count as having moved that turn, units embarked on a Transport that moved at Cruising Speed can only fire Snap Shots that turn, and if a vehicle moves Flat Out its passengers cannot fire at all that turn.

Q: Can a model with an Ordnance weapon and Power of the Machine Spirit still fire another weapon at full Ballistic Skill?A: Yes.

Q: How does a Flying Monstrous Creature’s Hard to Hit rule work when part of a unit without the rule?A: It cannot be used.

Q: How does a Gargantuan Creature move through difficult terrain?
A: Roll 3D6 (due to the Move Through Cover special rule) and double the highest result.

Q: Can Gargantuan Creatures shoot all of their weapons at different targets, or can they only shoot two different weapons at two different targets?
A: They can shoot all of their weapons, at different targets if desired.

Q: Do Monstrous Creatures fire Overwatch with one weapon or up to two (they can use up to two during each Shooting phase)?A: Up to two.

Q: If a Gargantuan Creature destroys a vehicle or other type of unit after striking at Initiative step 1, does it still get to Stomp if there’s nothing left in combat?A: Yes.

Q: Do Gargantuan Creatures/Super-heavy vehicles need to declare all of the targets for all of their weapons before resolving any of the shooting attacks?A: Yes.

Q: Do Blast weapons hit Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures?: No.

Q: Can a Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature or Zooming Flyer be targeted by a Blast or Template weapon with the Skyfire special rule?A: Yes.

Q: Can Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures be hit by nova and beam powers?A: Yes for nova powers, no for beam powers.

Q: Does Jinking prevents a Flying Monstrous Creature from Vector Striking?A: Yes.

Q: Can a Monstrous Creature charge multiple units?A: Yes.

Q: Can Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures be hit with Blast or Template attacks that don’t target them, such as scattered Blasts and vehicle explosions?A: No.

Q: After my Flying Monstrous Creature is Grounded, when I choose to use the Swooping flight mode again the next turn, can I change his forward-facing direction, or is it still stuck in the direction it was Swooping in before it hit the ground?
A: It is still stuck facing in the direction it was Swooping in when it struck the ground.

Q: Do Flying Monstrous Creatures have the Deep Strike special rule?A: Yes.

Q: Does a Gargantuan Creature gain the benefit of Strikedown on its shooting attacks?A: No.

Q: Are Gargantuan Creatures Monstrous Creatures with additional rules, or are they their own creature type?
A: They are both Monstrous Creatures and Gargantuan Creatures.

Q: Are Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures scoring units?
A: No, as it’s one of the exceptions listed in the ‘Scoring Units’ section of Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.

Q: Can any part of a model intentionally hang off the edge of the table?
A: No part of a model may hang over the edge of the battlefield, except for parts that are explicitly ignored while checking line of sight (e.g. the wings or tail of a non-vehicle model).

Q: When I am using ‘long’ or ‘oval’ Cavalry/Bikes/Monstrous Creatures’ bases, am I allowed to pivot the base on the spot to gain additional movement like vehicles would?
A: When making a move, you have to take into account how far all parts of the model have moved. Or to put that another way, trying to come up with a way of making a move that allows a model to move ‘further’ than its maximum movement distance is illegal. It is not allowed for a model to move 6" towards or away from something, and end up more than 6" closer to or further away from it!

Q: What is the vertical firing arc for shooting from Flyers, and how is this split between targets above and below the shooter?
A: Assume that weapons can swivel 45° vertically, either 45° upwards, or 45° downwards.

Q: Do Super-heavy Walkers shoot at targets from where their weapon is modeled or from the base?
A: Super-heavy Walkers’ weapons are assumed to swivel horizontally and vertically up to 45°. Range is measured from the weapon itself and line of sight is measured from the mounting point of the weapon and along its barrel, as is normal for vehicles.

Q: With regard to Bike and Artillery models, I measure from their weapons when they are shooting, and to their bases when they are shot at. Is this correct?
A: When Artillery models fire, range is measured from the barrel of the gun on the model. When Bike models fire, range is measured from the base. When firing at Artillery or Bike models, range is measured to the base.

Q: Do a Flyer’s wings and tail count as part of its hull? (e.g. If you can only see a wing can you shoot at it? If you are only in range of the wing can you shoot at or charge it? When hovering, can the wing get you Linebreaker if it is within 12" of the board edge?)
A: Yes, a Flyer’s wings are tail are considered part of the hull in all respects.

Q: Can a unit go back into Reserve the same player turn that it came onto the board from Reserve?A: No.

Q: Do allies who are not Battle Bothers contest objectives?A: Yes.

Q: In the Maelstrom of War: The Spoils of War mission, it states that ‘Secure Objective X’ cards can only be discarded when either player achieves them. The Divination power Scrier’s Gaze allows you to discard one Tactical Objective. Which takes precedence – the psychic power or the mission wording?A: The mission wording takes precedence.

Q: If your Warlord is in Reserves, can you use their traits for re-rolling Reserves?A: Yes.

Q: Do non-scoring and non-victory-point units such as Spore Mines count as ‘units destroyed’ on Tactical Objective cards?A: Yes

Q: Does a unit always enter the game from Reserves when Deep Striking? The rules for Deep Striking seem to imply that being the case, even when a unit is already on the table. As an example, does a unit of Warp Talons that is using Gate of Infinity trigger its Warpflame Strike each time they use the psychic power?
A: Not unless explicitly stated – in the example you use, Gate of Infinity has the unit arrive anywhere on the board using the rules for Deep Strike. This doesn’t mean that it goes into Deep Strike Reserve, or that you have to make a Reserve Roll for the unit and so on, and it means that you don’t get to use the Warpflame Strike each time you do this.

Q: When a Tactical Objective refers to a unit being in a deployment zone, does it mean the whole unit, i.e. every single model?
A: A single model from the unit being within the deployment zone is sufficient.

Q: Do Immobilised Skimmers get Jink?A: No.

Q: Does a unit that is embarked on a Transport that Jinks also count as having Jinked in the following Shooting phase? (they're forced to fire Snap Shots)A: Yes.

Q: If a blast template scatters onto a Skimmer, can that Skimmer still Jink even though it was not actually targeted by the shot?A: Yes.

Q: Can you Jink against Overwatch attacks?A: Yes.

Q: Can a model Jink if it is part of a unit without that rule?A: Yes.

Q: Can a Flyer perform a bombing run the turn after it Jinks?A: No.

Q: Can you Jink and Go to Ground?: No.

Q: Can Template weapons target invisible units?A: Only when using the Wall of Death rule.

Q: Is Invisibility affected by Ballistic Skill modifiers?A: Only if the modifier states that it specifically affects Snap Shots.

Q: In the rules for cover saves it says that intervening models grant cover even if the model is fully visible unless you shoot over the intervening models. Does this include models that are taller than the intervening models i.e. are taller models able to shoot over shorter models?
A: Yes, as long as the line of sight for the weapon being used is not obscured by the interveningmodels and does not pass through a gap between the models in the intervening unit.

Q: Does an Infantry model count as intervening for a Monstrous Creature or a Gargantuan Creature?
A: If that Infantry model partially obscures the target from the firer, then yes. In most cases, however, Monstrous and Gargantuan Creatures will be tall enough to shoot over the intervening Infantry.

Q: Models obscured by intervening models get a 5+ cover save just like the cover rules of terrain. Does this mean that I only get the cover save if the models are obscured by more than 25%?
A: No – the target only needs to be partially obscured. If, on the other hand, the target is completely visible to the firer, but the firer shoots through a gap between models in the intervening unit, then the target still receives a 5+ cover save.

Q: Does a unit that is embarked in a Scout vehicle count as having made a Scout move?A: Yes.

Q: If a vehicle has Infiltrate, can you embark a unit inside it before deployment and then Infiltrate it onto the battlefield inside the vehicle?A: No.

Q: Do Scout redeployments take place before or after the player going second is given the chance to Seize the Initiative?A: After.

Q: Does deploying with Outflank count as moving for the purpose of shooting?A: Yes.

Q: If you Infiltrate a unit of Pathfinders from a Ranged Support Cadre and then move them via their Scout special rule, does the unit count as having moved from their starting location?A: Yes.
Q: Infiltrate rules state that an Independent Character without Infiltrate cannot join a squad of Infiltrators. Does this mean a squad that is actively Infiltrating or just any unit that has the Infiltrate rule? This matters for things like Outflank (granted freely by the Infiltrate rule) and Infiltrate units that have Deep Strike.
A: An Independent Character without the Infiltrate special rule cannot join a unit of Infiltrators during deployment, whether they are Infiltrating, Deep Striking, Outflanking or deploying normally. They are free to join units as they wish after deployment.

Q: If I’m using a special Detachment, such as the Nemesis Strike Force Detachment, and add Independent Characters from Battle Brother Factions (e.g. the Librarius Conclave), can they all still benefit from the first turn deployment and come in together?
A: No, the rules for Detachments and Formations only apply to models/units that are part of the Detachment or Formation.

Q: Do rules applying to ‘the unit’, such as those from Formation command benefits (e.g. the Skyhammer Annihilation Force), or unit-wide special rules such as Dunestrider from Codex: Skitarii apply to any attached Independent Characters? A: No.

Q: If a unit charges a single-character unit and a challenge is issued, do the non-character units still get to attack the single character? A: Yes.

Q: If a model in a challenge that isn’t Initiative 10 gets an attack at Initiative 10 (Hammer of Wrath, mandiblasters, etc.) with which it kills the opponent, what happens when it reaches its normal Initiative?
A: It can still attack, rolling against the Weapon Skill and Toughness of the slain opponent, and allocating the excess wounds that are caused to other opponents as described in the ‘Combatant Slain’ rule.

Q: If an Independent Character with Slow and Purposeful joins a unit, does that entire unit now count as being Slow and Purposeful? A: Yes.

Q: Do defensive grenades remove one additional attack or all additional bonuses given by a charge (e.g. for models with Hammer of Wrath or Furious Charge)?
A: Additional bonuses are unaffected – the only penalty received by models charging a unit with any models equipped with defensive grenades is that they do not gain bonus Attacks from charging.

Q: How many Hull Points does a vehicle lose when you roll 2 simultaneous sixes when using Graviton weapons?A: It loses 3 Hull Points.

Q: How do Graviton weapons work with units with mixed armour saves?A: Use the armour save that is in the majority within the target unit (in the case of a tie, the player whose unit is under attack can choose which is used).

Q: When rolling for the effect of Graviton or Haywire weapons, is the roll still considered an armour penetration roll?A: No.

Q: Can a Flyer make a Bombing Run on the same turn that it enters Ongoing Reserves by leaving the battlefield?A: Yes.

Q: Does a Flyer with extra armour, when suffering an Immobilised result that is turned into a Crew Stunned result, then have that Crew Stunned result turned into Crew Shaken?A: Yes.

Q: Flyers can fire 4 weapons at full Ballistic Skill, can they also fire any additional weapons as Snap Shots like other vehicles?A: Yes.

Q: How do you resolve the Helfrost rule against Feel No Pain?
A: A Feel No Pain roll can be taken as normal to avoid suffering the Wound. If this roll is failed, resolve the Helfrost rules as normal.

Q: If a model has Eternal Warrior and Feel No Pain, can he still use his Feel No Pain roll after failing an armour/invulnerable save from an Instant Death wound?A: No.
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Messages : 396
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2011
Age : 40
Localisation : La Rochelle

Convention 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convention 2016   Convention 2016 EmptyJeu 9 Juin - 11:48

Ensuite nous trouvons les dernièrs erratas :

Erratas FB a écrit:
Page 27 – The Psychic Phase, Witchfire
Add the following sentence after the fourth sentence of the first paragraph:
‘However, some witchfire powers do not have a weapon profile (such as the Telepathy power, Psychic Shriek); where this is the case, no To Hit roll is required – the attack hits automatically.’

Page 68 – Flying Monstrous Creatures, Deployment
Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph:
‘If a Flying Monstrous Creature is conjured or otherwise summoned during the course of the game, as soon as it enters play, you must declare whether it is in Swooping or Gliding mode.’

Q: When listing Formations, sometimes it states ‘1 model’ (like 1 Tomb Spyder), while other times it lists ‘1 Unit of models’ (like 1 unit of Tomb Blades). Are these interchangeable?
A: No. The former means a single model of the type listed, while the later means a single unit of the type listed.

Q: How do special rules like Hatred affect multi-Faction armies? For example how does the Dark Angels’ Hatred (Chaos Space Marines) special rule affect Khorne Daemonkin? Does it affect all Chaos Space Marine units in the army or none at all?
A: The rules in question affect enemy units that belong to the specific named Faction. In the case of the example, it would only apply to enemy Chaos Space Marine units.

Q: If a unit consists of more than one Faction, what Faction does the unit count as when targeted by special abilities that affect one of the Factions in that unit?
A: They count as having all the Factions of the models in the unit.

Q: In the Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation Formation, do any fortifications benefit from the free upgrades?
A: The only fortifications that benefit from the Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation’s rules are those taken as part of the Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation. The Might of the Adeptus Mechanicus rule allows you free weapon and wargear options, which in most cases will not benefit fortifications – they have access to Fortification Upgrades, which are neither weapons nor wargear (this includes gun emplacements). The exceptions to this rule are weapon options on a fortification’s datasheet – for example on the Wall of Martyrs Firestorm Redoubt or Vengeance Weapon Battery. These fortifications could replace their emplaced weapons for free.

Q: If two Formations both include a model that must be your army’s Warlord, are you only able to take one of these Formations?
A: Yes.

Q: Does the Sanctuary psychic power’s 6+ invulnerable save benefit from any bonuses provided by Formations and/or Detachments (e.g. the Imperial Knights Exalted Court’s Council of Lords)?
A: No.

Q: Can units that are created from a Formation rule (e.g. Skyblight Swarm’s Skyswarm) Deep Strike if the original unit didn’t?
A: No.

Q: Can I upgrade an HQ choice to a Unique character in a specific Formation? For example, the ‘Emperor’s Fist’ Armoured Company Formation mentions you must take a Tank Commander; can that Tank Commander be upgraded to Knight Commander Pask?
A: No.

Q: Can a Detachment include Core, Command and Auxiliary Detachment choices from other publications? For example, can a Gladius Detachment (Codex: Space Marines) include Core, Command and Auxiliary Formations from War Zone Damocles: Kauyon if the White Scars or Raven Guard are chosen for your Chapter Tactics?
A: No.

Q: Can units that are Battle Brothers embark in each other’s Transport vehicles during deployment?
A: No.

Q: If a hit from a Destroyer weapon is downgraded to a glancing hit, does it inflict 1 or D3 Hull Points of damage?
A: 1.

Q: If a result of 2-5 on the Destroyer weapon attack table inflicts D3 wounds, do these carry over to the unit if they overkill the model?
A: No.

Q: If a model is hit by a Destroyer weapon and takes a Seriously Wounded result for, say, 3 Wounds, how many cover/invulnerable saves does it take?
A: 1. In your example, if the save roll was failed, the target model would suffer 3 Wounds.

Q: Do abilities that allow you to re-roll rolls To Wound, or re-roll armour penetration rolls, allow you to re-roll the results on the Destroyer weapon attack table?
A: No.

Q: Can you make ‘Look Out, Sir’ attempts against Destroyer weapon hits?
A: Yes.

Q: How are Destroyer weapons resolved against mixed units?
A: Use the type of target that is in the majority in the unit. If tied, the player whose unit is under attack can choose.

Q: With Destroyer weapons that use templates, how are saves meant to be taken – before or after rolling on the Destroyer weapon attack table?
A: After.

Q: Can you attempt ‘Look Out, Sir’ for Wounds allocated outside of the Shooting and Assault phases?
A: Yes.

Q: The ‘Look Out, Sir’ rule states that Wounds must be allocated to the closest model in the unit to the character. What if you have multiple models that are equidistant? Do you have to allocate all ‘Look Out, Sir’ hits to a particular model until it is removed, or can you shift the Wounds to other equidistant models (assuming, of course, that they have multiple Wounds)?
A: You must apply all Wounds to the same model until it is removed.

Q: In the case of a template weapon that fires two or more times (such as the Blood Angels’ frag cannon), do they still only inflict D3 hits when firing Overwatch, or D3 hits per number of shots in the weapon profile?
A: D3 hits per number of shots in the weapon’s profile.

Q: Does the Preferred Enemy special rule allow you to re-roll Gets Hot rolls of 1 for blast weapons (e.g. a plasma cannon)?
A: No.

Q: Does a template weapon aimed at a unit at ground level but also touching a Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature hit it? Does a blast marker that drifts onto a Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature hit it?
A: No, in both cases. Template and Blast weapons and other attacks that don’t roll To Hit cannot hit Flying Monstrous Creatures that are Swooping.

Q: Does the ability to re-roll 1s allow you to re-roll scatter dice?
A: No.

Q: Can you use a flamer/template weapon in Overwatch after Jinking?
A: No.

Q: Does the Multiple Barrage rule apply only to multiple weapons with the same name and Barrage rule (i.e. 3 Mortars)?
A: Yes.

Q: Twin-linked multiple barrage units. Can the drift for every shot after the first (the shots that use the drift dice but not the 2D6) be re-rolled?
A: Yes.

Q: Regarding Barrage weapons and vehicles – how do you determine which side is hit?
A: Assume the shot is coming from the centre of the blast marker and hits the nearest side.

Q: Are alien and daemonic flame weapons like Ork burnas, Flames of Tzeentch, Baleful Torrent, etc., treated as flamer weapons for rules that interact with them?
A: Only if the entry in their codex specifically notes it is a flamer weapon as described in Warhammer 40,000: The Rules.

Q: If you make a Disordered Charge against a vehicle and a non-vehicle unit, which close combat rules count for things like Sweeping Advances, Pile-ins or Consolidation moves?
A: Those that apply to the primary target of the charge.

Q: If a unit becomes disengaged in the Shooting phase (e.g. from a Flyer crashing and killing the enemy it was locked in combat with, or a blast weapon scattering onto and killing the enemy), is it able to assault in the following Assault phase?
A: Yes.

Q: If a unit is locked in combat, and is completely destroyed by a scattering blast template, does the unit left standing from that combat get a Consolidate move?
A: No.

Q: Can a single model make a disordered charge against two or more enemy units?
A: Yes.

Q: How do you allocate wounds in close combat, where it can be difficult to tell which model is closest? Is it possible to specifically allocate wounds to an enemy character not in a challenge, and would they get ‘Look Out, Sir’ tests?
A: You must determine which models are the closest before allocating wounds – if it is impossible to tell, they are considered equally close, and the player controlling the models being attacked decides. This means that only the player controlling a character could choose to allocate wounds to them. If they did so, the ‘Look Out, Sir’ rules would apply.

Q: How many Relics/Artefacts can a single model be equipped with?
A: A model can only be given a single Relic/Artefact of any kind unless specifically noted otherwise.
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Messages : 31
Date d'inscription : 09/04/2013

Convention 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convention 2016   Convention 2016 EmptyJeu 9 Juin - 17:35

il y a vraiment trop de texte en "pas fränssouze" à lire. Surtout en soirée, après une journée chaude et un verre d'apéro trop chargé...
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Messages : 396
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2011
Age : 40
Localisation : La Rochelle

Convention 2016 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Convention 2016   Convention 2016 EmptyJeu 9 Juin - 19:26

La plupart des réponses vont dans le sens "esprit des règles" contre l'habituel truandage malfaisant des gagne-petits.

Tu devrais donc largement t'y retrouver.

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